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Looking after your well-being...

... is a crew of more than 30 members in the Schlüsselzunft. Some are new and young, others are here for years and, of course, still young... :-) Our passion is your happiness and every single member welcomes you in the heart of the city.

Andreas Uebersax

Exekutiv Chef

Our executive chef loves fish and all products from our region. A market-fresh cuisine is the passion of Andreas and his sous-chef, Jörg Dörfler.
He also trains our apprentices in the trade of cuisine, is an invigilator for the professional exams for chefs in the city of Basel and he constantly ensures that we keep to our ecological guidelines.

Andreas Uebersax E-Mail

Sascha Brestler

General Manager & Banquet

As tenant and head of banquets, he is your point of contact for events at the Schlüsselzunft Restaurant. He will be happy to advise you on the many options for holding a successful event in the historic rooms of the oldest Guild House in Basel.
Together with Roger Lehmann and Andreas Uebersax he owns the company Solbad Gastronomie AG, which has been successfully running the Gasthof Solbad since 2001, the Sommerpark am Rhein since 2003 and the Schlüsselzunft Restaurant since 2007.

Sascha Brestler E-Mail

Roger Lehmann

Roger Lehmann is co-owner of Solbad Gastronomie AG and responsible for the areas of offer planning, strategy, as well as marketing of the entire company. He can often be found at the front in the restaurant Schlüsselzunft and will lead our newest project, the Schadau Castle with rooms and restaurants in Thun from 2019.

Roger Lehmann E-Mail

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